Phillip Strader Wins NNCI User Support Award

Our congratulations go out to Phillip Strader for winning an inaugural national award from the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) in the category of User Support!

Phillip is an RTNN project scientist through NC State’s Department of MSE and a lab manager at AIF. His nomination was particularly noteworthy because of his leadership in securing and commissioning new instruments and his thoughtful execution of the RTNN Kickstarter program.

Keep up the good work!

New NNCI Video Introduces the Network

The RTNN is one of sixteen sites that make up the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). The National Science Foundation (NSF) supports these sites, their affiliated partners, and a coordinating office. Want to learn more about the NNCI and its programs? The NNCI recently published a video to introduce the network and describe its mission.